Personalized Exam

You may have visited a chiropractor or other medical professional and received an exam that seemed very plain. Dr. Boleman tailors each exam to the patient and performs it based on the presentation of the patient’s complaint. Within each exam you can expect a combination of history questions, neurological assessments, orthopedic tests, range of motion evaluation, selective functional movement assessment (SFMA), and any other analysis procedures that are deemed appropriate. Through this type of examination, Dr. Boleman will be able to develop a course of treatment that targets the root cause of your pain, leading to long-term healing effects.

Chiropractic Care

The basis of chiropractic care is the adjustment of joints within the body. Chiropractors are able to locate areas of joint restriction or dysfunction and deliver an adjustment that restores proper function and motion to these areas. Many of you know this as the “snap, crackle, pop” part of the chiropractic experience. Benefits associated with chiropractic adjustments include pain relief, increased range of motion, enhanced nervous system function, and an improvement in human performance. Dr. Boleman specializes in delivering safe and effective adjustments using a variety of techniques such as Diversified, Thompson, Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT), and Activator. We look forward to working with you to determine the most appropriate technique to maximize benefits.

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy

Using techniques such as Fascial Distortion Model (FDM), trigger point therapy, and myofascial release, Dr. Boleman is well equipped to treat a wide range of musculoskeletal injuries. Each technique offers a unique set of benefits, ranging from releasing muscle tension, reducing inflammation, enhancing range of motion, and breaking down fascial adhesions. Chronic muscle pain, limited movement, and soft-tissue injuries are not situations that you should have to push through each day. Come see us and lets see if deep tissue massage therapy is right for you!

Therapeutic Exercises

The human body was made to move and perform physical activities. Whether your goal is to be able to pick up your children without pain or reaching a new personal record in the gym, therapeutic exercises can help you achieve your goals. Through careful and individualized selection of exercises, you can experience improved strength, endurance, flexibility, joint stability, coordination, balance, and an overall enhanced quality of life. Each exercise given to you will be tailored to address specific concerns that are important to you and your body’s health.


Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) involves the use of stainless steel instruments to apply pressure and massage areas of concern. This treatment therapy is effective at breaking down scar tissue, removing fascial restrictions, and accelerating the healing process. This is a non-invasive technique that is able to target the deep, underlying soft tissues in a safe manner.


Following adjustments and therapies performed during your appointment, specific taping techniques may be applied before leaving the office. Kinesio or Rock Tape can help to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and swelling, offer support, and improve sensation to the affected area. Dr. Boleman has the skills to apply tape for virtually any condition or injury that you may be experiencing.